Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 1st

     Up this morning and checking my e-mail and then realized I had forgotten to finish a dress for a 10 o'clock pick-up.  Panic.  It was 9:23.  It was just a hem right?  Wrong!  It was the shoulders a double hand hem and a waist take up after removing the bottom portion of the zipper.  I hate it when I do that.  But it is done.

     I love the Fall.  I love October.  The pretty colors and cooler weather.  I love pumpkins, and pumpkin pie.  Halloween used to be my favorite holiday when I was little.  Now that the kids are gone it is not as much fun.  I am shocked by the Halloween costumes at the stores. I never had a store bought costume nor did my kids.  It was whatever we could come up with and whatever I made.  Now I made some pretty awesome costumes.  I remember Daughter #2 going as Rose from the titanic with a full size dance dummie I had made for an earlier show.  She had on a duplicate of Roses's black and burgundy lace dress and the dummie never had a head but was in a full set of tales.  She was Rose and Leonard Decapitated.  Too funny, this little girl dragging around a headless dummie.  He was like a large well dressed rag doll.

     I dried another full dehydrator of pears and apples, I need to go up and bag them. But I thought as the government has shut down maybe I could shut down too.:)  You know just cause enough trouble that no one will work with me and then blame every body else.  Works for them.  Politics and stupidity, hand in hand.

     I am trying to get the side bars on my debts edited but blogger won't update it.  I don't know how many times I have typed the totals in and it won't save.  Grrrrr.  Leave it for another day.

     Out My Window:  Cool, sunny, beautiful Fall day.

Have a great and productive day, all except for the government, but when was the last time they were productive?  Sarcasm my friend.


1 comment:

  1. I bet your kids your always the best dressed in the neighborhood! (including dummies :)
