Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tuesday, Keeping on

 Do you ever feel like just getting up and getting dressed is an accomplishment?  I know I do. 

I was proud to me because I stuck to my guns and got my piles done yesterday and it was a busy day.

After Kelsa fell asleep last night, I cleaned up the house not that you would know it right now.

We also went to Walmart for a few supplies for the yard.  I do not get to use them until I have my quota done for today.  Because I would just spend all my time outside and not get any sewing done. 

So today it is prom dresses, and I will do hand work on a wedding dress this evening after it gets dark.

I think I had better make a list as I am just not very motivated today.  Need me some motivation.  How about this?  You need to pay your bills.  Ah who cares it is only money. My regard for money right now is very low. I need to have an attitude change.

Anyway, I digress.

1. purple dress back and lining

2. teal dress hem and darts sew up slit

3. red dress hand work

4.brides maid dress shoulders and hem

5. black dress hem and shoulders

I am missing Joel terribly and it is making my life very hard. You would think I would be in my first year and I am not. I just want to run and escape, and I don't even know where I would run.  Silly I know. If Sissie was not coming I think I would sell this house and move away.  Where ?  I don't know.  I want away from the pain, but I know it would follow me. Every day is a struggle and I just have to make myself keep going. 

I need to go change the thread on my serger.  I don't like doing that but here I go.

Have a good day while I try to.
